Saturday, March 21, 2009

The change *IS* doing me good!

Okay, so I admit, I struggled with it!  Now I wonder why!  Some of you will see this note over and over again, as I plan to put it on my blog, and on my LJ page, and even My Space.  It's just I am making so much progress I want to shout it to the world I know!
Almost a month ago, my blood glucose readings were at about 270 and my weight about 252 or so.  I have started regular exercise, and am transforming the way I eat so it fits in with what I, being type 2 diabetic, ought to be doing!  Today was absolutely the *BEST* blood sugar reading I have had since my diagnosis two or more years ago; down to 140.  My last weight check, a month ago, had me down to 246, but I am sure that has to have changed since I have for the past week walked about 3 miles each day.  I am eating more fruits and veggies and less of the bad stuff...still working on that's a struggle because, as we all know the bad stuff is so yummy! LOL!  But, anyway, I just wanted to update everyone, and show that I am making progress!  I will keep y'all up to date on that progress, too!  Sorry for, technically, cross-posting to all my different blogs, but I just finished one of my walks, and it's the only way I feel like doing things! LOL!
More news in the next day or so.  I go to the doc on Tuesday and will have an update about my weight!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It has to be here!

I am talking about Spring.  It has to have arrived!  I have that hopeful feeling I get every year at this time!  That feeling that so much good is on the horizon!  I don't mean life is bad, but living through winter feels like living in a cave...and feeling that social disconnect that people seem to have during winter doesn't help. Even that seems to be going away.  People are having that hopeful, spring feeling...I can sense it in the air!
I hope I don't sound crazy!  I might to those of you who have never experienced a Nebraska Winter...sno or not, it gets cold...and feels so gloomy.  People seem bundled up emotionally and spiritually as well as physically...and not always as accessible. 
Those of you who never have experienceda Nebraska winter wouldn't want to, either.  It gives you a sense of what the term "bitter cold" means if you were never quite sure you knew what it meant. LOL!
Anyway, the bird of hope has taken flight!  Spring is in the air, and I hope it's here to more cold for the rest of the season! LOL!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Two battles.

In case I haven't gone to mentioning this in this space, I am type 2 diabetic.  I struggle with it.  The dietary restrictions imposed by having to watch my carb intake, some times, makes me want to pull out my hhair. It was this very thought that brought me to an interesting epiphany.
The struggle to eat right...and do consistently, is not unlike the struggles a Christian faces when dealing with sin and temptation.
For the diabetic, it is knowing that some calories are empty, worthless carbs.  That huge sundae or other decadent dessert looks great in the menu, but in the end, you come away feeling empty and doing damage to your body...and for what?
For the Christian, it is whatever we lust after, hunger for too much in our flesh.  Let me, since I am a male, use the male propensity for lusting after women as an example.
The man sees (or in my case hears) the woman and she sounds beautiful...and the usual male desires arise, but the man, in his brain, knows that it would be empty, unfulfilling, and he'd walk away ashamed, unsatisfied deep down, but yet he still desires her.  The craving doesn't go away no matter how much he wills it to.
In my struggle with diabetes I am much the same.  I'm a meat & potatoes guy.  So, I love my starchy foods.  Not so big on veggies.  Given the choice, I'd rather heap on the mashed potatoes, but I *KNOW* it is wrong...bad for my body...and not helping my blood sugars...and yet I still want it. 
In both cases, you have the two sides warring...the devil on your right sholder, in the form of the cheesecake saying "You can eat me...I won't harm you..." and the angel on the other shoulder saying "That's too sweet...too many sugars..."
In the same way, spiritually, the devil tries to decieve us into believing that a given sin isn't that bad; "Go ahead!  Do it!  It isn't that bad...there are worse sins!" he cunningly whispers, meanwhile the Holy Spirit is practically screaming "Flee! Run the other way!  Don't give in!"
In closing, let me throw in one of my favorite verses from the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans.  May it encourage the diabetic, and the sinner alike:
For the good which I desire, I don't do; but the evil which I don't desire, that I practice.
Romans 7:19

Monday, March 09, 2009

Never give up!

Okay, this entry isn't political, or about the economy (especially since economics class almost drove me insane), and will be something of a change of pace for me.
I have type 2 diabetes.  I have been trying, off and on for several months, to get to where I could consistently test my blood sugar.  Problem was that I was never drawing blood.  No matter what I tried.I was starting to feel hopeless about it.  Everyone I talked to steered me away from the idea of alternate site testing.  Not accurate enough.  I had no clue what I was going to do.
So, I set up to see a diabetic educator today. We tried something that I was wondering about...a lancet device with two extra depth settings beyond the typical device. Setting it on the highest setting, 7, actually worked!!
So, let me publicly encourage anyone who has struggled with a treatment regimen because some aspect of it or another is preventing you from not treating  your condition the way you ought to.  There is hope.  There is a solution.  It's just a matter of finding it. never be afraid to seek help and support.  Persevere and be stubborn.  Something good will come of it!