Saturday, August 26, 2006

Let me clarify something for you liberal readers out there.

When I talk about positively supporting the president, I am not saying I support every single thing he does to the letter.

That said, however, I do believe that the war on terror is one thing that we Americans (liberal or conservative, democrat or republican) ought to get firmly behind him on. Why?

Because we need to show the radical, islamic fascists that we, as a country are united against them, and that we won't back down.

I won't rehash my comments about how we cannot negotiate with these terrorists. I brought this up because of a comment I received that implied I am blindly following Bush without seeing the wrong or bad side of him.

I get the impression that a lot of liberals (notice I didn't say "all liberals") try to paint us conservatives with broad strokes and want to think we're blind little sheep, just following our leaders into some kind of oblivion.

This is ironic coming from the same faction that back stabs anyone who doesn't buy off on every jot and tittle of their rhetoric...need I say Joe Lieberman? He supports Bush on the war on terror and the liberals all of a sudden treat him like he has the plague. Just some food for thought. Granted, I get the impression that the poster of the comment was from Europe, and may not understand the Joe Lieberman comment, but I think if he's reading enough American papers, he will.
We interrupt my political rants... bring you some news about me, personally. LOL!

Part of the purpose of this blog is keeping my typing and writing skills up to snuff. In case I haven't said it, or if you just now started reading this blog, I've had aspirations, off and on throughout my life, to be a writer, and now (as mentioned in previous entries) I am pursuing something exciting...a bachelors degree to become a journalist. Yeah, some of you think that I'm crazy for doing this at my age, but why not now? That's my thought.

So, starting in the spring, Lord willing, I'll be starting at UNL and winding up at their college of journalism. As time goes on I'll update y'all, and believe me, when I'm actually in the thick of it, I'll most likely have quite a bit to say.

If you want to check out the place I'll be attending school (specifically my journalism courses) here's a link.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Open Letter to the ACLU

Dear ACLU:

Give it up! The president signed a bill protecting the cross in San Diego. Leave it be. I know you folks in the ACLU can’t stand us Christians, and we really get under your liberal skins, but please, leave that cross alone. Go find some other liberal, whiny cause to fight.

I apologize, I know I don’t sound very Christian, but I get so tired of the ACLU and its agenda against people merely wanting to publicly express their faith. The thing that gets me is that they’re like rabid pit bulls who won’t let go of your pant leg. It’s as if they don’t know how to not be sore losers or something.

Take, for example, this quote from an article at
“The issue is still the same,” said David Blair-Loy, legal director for the ACLU in San Diego. “We believe it is equally unconstitutional under state law,
or federal law, for the government to subsidize, promote or endorse the Latin cross.”

Hello? We were formed as a Christian nation…and our founders came here so their faith could be expressed without fear of oppression. So, now, over 200 years later we have people within our borders trying to do the same thing, more or less, that the royals did over two centuries ago…keep people from freely expressing their faith.

No, the feds aren’t trying to fly in the face of Judaism or any other religion. They aren’t trying to force all US citizens to believe in Jesus Christ. That isn’t the point. The point is honoring our heritage as a nation, our *Christian* heritage.

I often jokingly say that the first two letters in ACLU stand for “anti Christian”, but as time goes on, I am convinced that, philosophically speaking, it is true.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

One Step Closer...

...Oh, and before I forget, I am getting the ball rolling towards my going to school. Got set up with the students with disabilities services office, and so, to them, I am now a student. Next step? Applying after the 1st of the month, and in the meantime getting my informational interviews done for the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired's rehab counselor I work with.

So, gradually, the ball is starting to roll...hang on, the ride will get wild!
Okay, so you know I'm switching sides/changing parties when I can listen to the Rush Limbaugh show and besides not throwing things at the radio, I actually agree with the man on most, if not all, of the things he says.

Well, I tuned in today, only to have a substitute, and a fascinating one at that. Columnist/writer Mark Steyn was filling in and he made some good points about immigration and Iraq/Iran.

Rather than post a column here, I'll post his site's address and let you discover your own favorites:

Monday, August 21, 2006

Observations after today's press conference.

Hmmm, not sure how President Bush is holding up. By that I mean stamina, etc...not politically speaking.

I got the feeling that this is not how he expected his presidency to run...he didn't expect this much upheaval in the world...and trying to manage his presidency with the weight of it all seems to be taking its toll...or is it just me?

He's doing his utmost, I will give him that, but is it enough? Is he being wary enough towards Iran and N. Korea? Is he doing enough for Israel in addition to and in comparison with what he is doing for Lebanon?

Don't be fooled, I'm not pretending to have answers, just throwing out here the questions that are on my mind. Just publicly ruminating on President Bush and how he, personally, emotionally, and spiritually is holding up under all the stuff going on in the world. All I know is this: I feel called to pray for him more than I ever have before. I think he needs all of our prayers right now.

Well, on to some less political stuff. I bowled for the first time in nearly 20 years on Saturday night, and while I "cheated" and used the bumpers that keep the ball in the lane (not 100% effective for me as I overshot them a few times and my ball had to be retrieved from that walkway bowling alley staff use), I did shoot three fairly good games with a 105, 120, and 84 respectively.

Oh, and one other personal note. I've decided I am going back to school for a bachelor's in Journalism. Long time coming, I think.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Good grief! I don't know whether to roar with rage or cry and cry! A federal judge tells the NSA to stop their anti-terrorist wiretap activities?

What other strategic tactics will the ACLU try to deprive our government of? What other tools in the war on terrorism will the US be deprived of? How long will it be before something so cataclismic that it makes 9/11 look small by comparison happens because of all this left-wing, liberal, cut and run nonsense.

If I sound angry...I am. If I sound upset...I am. The ACLU ought to be sued for misrepresentation...they strip away more liberties than they protect. It sickens me.

I just can't comprehend what it is that people don't understand about the war on terror and why they feel the need to undermine it at every turn. It just steams me up!

Let me put it this way, if we could have the technology we have today, and could use it to stop, for example, Hitler from exterminating millions of Jewws, would you really oppose this? I wouldn't.

Well, we have the technology, and what's scary is that we have an enemy that on so many levels is *WORSE* than Hitler, and yet we want to appease this enemy. We want to stop the Bush administration from knowing what our enemies are up to...who they are talking to, what they are saying and (thanks to the N.Y. Times) where there money is coming from and going to. It's simply unbelievable. I know, I've said all of this before, but I am *MAD* as hell that there are people who would rather risk having our enemies attempt to wipe us off the map as opposed to keeping said enemies in check. Well, we'll see how those people opposed to Bush, his administration, and the work they've tried to do feel when they lose family, friends and other loved ones in an attack that is 9/11 magnified 10 (or possibly 100) times. Maybe then it won't be so important to be able to carry hair gel on an airplane...maybe it will finally be acceptable to monitor communications traffic from outside the US and watch for potential terrorist activity...maybe the government will be allowed to keep its methods of tracking terrorists confidential. It's sad it may well take such an attack to wake people up, but it looks like that is the likely wake up call a lot of people will need.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Let him who has ears hear.

Are you still having trouble believing that God opposes Hezbollah and anyone else who would come against Israel?

Well, let's think about the situation with Israel, Lebanon, and Hezbollah as it stands now. If Hezbollah's leader thinks he can speak against Israel...if he thinks he can threaten Israel and survive...he is kidding himself and any and all of his supporters.

God has made it clear that those in that part of the world will regret coming against Israel. It's in the Old Testament, see for your self:

Joel 3:4 “Yes, and what are you to me, Tyre, and Sidon, And all the regions of Philistia? Will you repay me? And if you repay me, I will swiftly and speedily return your repayment on your own head.

Is it possible the global community (along with the UN) interrupted such a "repayment"? Just some food for thought.

Even if we have, if Hezbollah tries to obliterate Israel, they will live to regret it. Again, reread the passage from Joel:

Joel 3:4 “Yes, and what are you to me, Tyre, and Sidon, And all the regions of Philistia? Will you repay me? And if you repay me, I will swiftly and speedily return your repayment on your own head.

If we think God will remain patient with Hezbollah and its supporters, we are more blind...much more blind...than I originally thought.
Ignorance and stupidity in the news.

I shouldn't read stuff like this before just doesn't pay.

What are they teaching in schools nowadays? How did we get to a point where people know the three stooges better than the three branches of government, and can recognize Harry Potter (and who he is) faster than they do British PM Tony Blair. It's just sad, really sad.

Then, in the same news section (a report by Brit Hume at the fox news web site) Cynthia McKinney tries to blame her election loss on electronic voting machines. Open letter to Cynthia McKinney. If electronic voting machines go away, so does independent voting ability for the blind and visually impaired. You lost, so just get over it, and stop trying to (inadvertently, I admit) rid the blind of access to something as important as the tools to vote independently. As things stood for many, many years, the blind had to ask people to read the ballots and/or punch the holes in the ballots, thus robbing the blind voter of precious privacy. Oh, and BTW Miss (or Mrs.) McKinney? Sad to say, even if I had access to a voting machine, and I were in Georgia, you wouldn't have gotten my vote...especially not after such a paranoid-sounding comment about voting machines.

Oh, and one last mini-rant to the people protesting against Israel over the weekend. How dare you insult the people of Israel by comparing them to the very regime that wanted them exterminated in the 30's and 40's. What an insult! It amazes me because black people would scream about being compared to the KKK, and certain groups of women would pitch a fit if you said they behaved too much like men (I know, weak example...but you get the point), so why should Jews have to put up with being compared to the people who tortured them, drove them from their homes, and killed them by the millions?
This just shows me what the anti-war/anti-Bush/liberal democrat/Hezbollah supporting crowd doesn't understand, and probably never will. Israel is God's chosen people. He is going to protect them from any and all harm, and those who oppose Israel (militarily or otherwise) ought to be very, very careful.

Okay, enough ranting. I'd better stop before the word "liberal" makes me want to spit nails, you know?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I'm scared, and I'm willing to admit it!

First we get this interview with the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and now come to find out that he recently stated that he would answer the world about the whole nuclear disarmorment issue on August 22nd, some Muslim holy day, and a day on which the radical muslim world would be primed for a catastrophic action against Israel.

Hmmm, and we're supposed to believe what Ahmadinejad tells Mike Wallace about the time for weapons being passed, etc? Why am I not buying it? Why do I fear what could happen to America, Israel or both on the 22nd? My gut feeling is that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not to be all.

Actually, to put a lighthearted spin on it, it's kind of like the joking impression of Hitler my mom's father used to do. He had a moustache similar to Hitler's and would brush his hair to the side, and in a mock German accent say, "I want peace...piece of Italy, piece of spain..." You get the idea.

Anyway, I think that all of Ahmadinejad's talk is just If he lives up to his word, good...but I'm skeptical for the moment. Until then, on the 22nd, watch the skies...or at least the news.
Thoughts on the president of the US.

I first want to say that I respectfully disagree with President Bush. This cease fire/UN resolution is not a victory against Hezbollah. How? It seems to me that now they can re-group, re-arm, and make it even harder for Israel to combat them next time around, and trust me, there will be a next time.

Now, that said, I don't envy Mr. Bush because his job is one that no one human being should have to face. He sounded so tired yesterday. I really did (and still do) feel bad for him. The world is, almost literally, on his shoulders, and not because I think he's trying to control the world, either.

I say that because right now, in the world, things are a foreign policy nightmare. By that I mean I wouldn't want to be the one trying to decide how to handle the war on terror, the situation in Iraq, Iran, Israel, and how to handle the "president" of North Korea, among other things. That, and having domestic issues to deal with to boot? No offense to him, but better him than me. I would crack under the pressure, I'm sure.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh, boy, while I didn't see Mike Wallace's interview with the Iranian president, I did read the transcript thanks to Joel Rosenberg's blog. It's pathetic. Wallace not only played softball, but let the pres of Iran (to a degree) control the interview. Simply pathetic. This wasn't real was what gruel is to oatmeal...thin with no real substance. If this is what CBS News has become, I'm taking my eye off the big eye and going elsewhere, thank you. Joel Rosenberg is a smarter man, and more experienced than I am, so I leave it to him to outline the things Mr. Wallace ought to have asked. Personally? If I were Mike Wallace, I would have pinned the man down like a bug on a cork board. That's just me, though. Here's what Joel had to say.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

All right, I'm writing this in part to keep me awake. Had a big brunch, and now I'm fighting sleepiness.

I also want to write this down here before I forget to.

I believe I said something in a previous entry about understanding our enemy so we don't get blindsided. I think, after reflecting on it, that this also has spiritual implications. If we don't understand evil (the devil), we'll be blindsided by it/him. If we don't know how to stand up for our values, we'll fall...every time.

One of my favorite adages is "those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.", and it's true.
I think that is a huge part of why our society (in this country) is in the shape it is in (emotionally and spiritually speaking, that is) because we don't understand how the devil is plotting against us, and what this will cost us in the long run. Just a random thought for this Lord's day. :)
Okay, I couldn't get it to work, but that's typical of trying to do things with a screen reading software...not everything likes to cooperate. But, web accessibility isn't the point of this post, that's for another one.

I wanted to share this because I read the transcript and I think it's worth thinking about. It is a video clip of Joel Rosenberg.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Well now, so we have a cease fire in Israel/Lebanon. What will this accomplish? This isn't skepticism, but a rhetorical question. I mean, Lebanon has asserted it's right, verbally, to fight, and for Israel...they've stepped up the troops, etc. to do as much as they can before the cease fire begins. I understand their reasoning, but do they understand how it makes them look in the public eye?

Just my thoughts for tonight. I'm tired, and I've had a busy day. So, TTFN, as Tigger would say.
You know, as I sit here and think about the war on terror, I begin to realize something I miss about this country. Growing up, it seemed, the country was more in solidarity than it is now. Granted, I was a kid and didn't know about Vietnam, nor would I have understood it.

The solidarity I really miss, in the end, is that which the USA showed during the second World War. You hear it in the old time radio shows, and even the older TV shows that allowed for it, and even the newsreels of the time. In the old radio shows, for example, you would hear things like "buy bonds" or messages asking to conserve certain goods, and things of that nature. Why did we (as a country) do this, knowing the war was across the ocean? Because we understood our enemy, and we weren't willing to let our freedom be snatched away by the likes of Hitler and Moussolini.

I know it's a very different eara, and we live in a different country (and even world), but I sorely wish that our country could show solidarity in the war on terror (the war in Iraq, supporting Israel, the war in Afghanistan). We need to support our country and its leaders in their efforts to keep us free.

No, we don't have war bonds, and no, this isn't World War II. The problem is, it's worse than WWII, and yet we have the Democrats trying to use recent events as a political chess piece, hoping to find ways to sour the country on the current administration, and its efforts against the terrorists who would love nothing more than to invade our country long enough to blow it off the map. We can't turn a blind eye to this situation. We can never assume the fascists will go away. We can't treat them with kid gloves, either. America needs to sleep with one eye open, as far as I'm concerned.

I'm not asking people to agree with every single thing the Bush Administration does, but only to realize that we have mortal enemies that Mr. Bush and his allies, colleagues, and administration are trying desperately to combat. It doesn't help their morale to see sagging support in the polls. It's kind of like a sports team who doesn't see enough fan support. If their school/city doesn't support them, they see less value in playing the game.

I know, I know, this may be a somewhat naive political analogy, and I freely admit that. I'm no political analyst. I'm just an "average Joe" living in America's heartland. Still, when I think about all the satirizing, finger-pointing, and all the various ways this administration gets mocked and ridiculed innstead of supported and defended, it saddens me.

Please, let's get behind our country before we find ourselves behind the eight ball.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Well, the story did not totally disappear. I'm watching Hannity and Combs, and they've mentioned it, but no one was detained. It makes sense now. Hmmm, am I contributing to the "Drive By Media"?

I got a breaking news alert (earlier in the day) from Fox News, and since it came in while I was out and not at my computer, when I went to check out the story, it was nowhere to be found at the Fox News site. Even the Drudge Report had a link to it, but the link took me to a story that while it is related to the thwarted terror plot, it had nothing to do with the breaking news item I received which stated there were 40 people arrested in Italy who were also related to the midair terror plot.

I'm no conspiracy theorist, so I'm not accusing Fox of anything, but I wonder if it was some kind of blunder?

Here's something to think about. One thing I haven't mentioned here, or in my profile, yet (because it isn't a major thing for me) is that I am totally blind. I was thinking about the whole issue of the extra measures taken after both 9/11 and the plot that was thwarted yesterday in Brittain.

After 9/11 when I traveled by air, the security people have taken my long white cane from me. To me, this is a invaluable tool. It is, for me, an extension of my hand...and I use my hands now (a lot) since my eyes no longer work. At first, I wasn't so sure I liked this. I am an independent person who believes in the ability of blind people to function independently in society. Please, don't misunderstand. When I say this, I don't mean I won't accept help...I am just selective about the kind of help since I can do most things for myself.

Anyway, I digress. As I thought about the new security measures, and the thwarted plot, I realized how glad I am they actually inspect my cane. Why? Because, while I wouldn't fit a terrorist profile, what if some sick-minded individual who does fit such a profile decided to pretend to be blind in order to gain passage to an aircraft with explosives undetected because they hid them in a blind person's white cane? I have nothing to hide, so I have nothing to fear in letting them inspect my cane, and nothing to gain by resisting such an inspection. Let them wand me (and my cane), let them frisk me, take my cane and x-ray it (or even me). I don't care. As long as I can fly safely, I think the inconvenience is worth it.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Before I go any further, I need to admit something up front. I am changing in a way that surprises me, and some people around me. In fact, it is so sudden, and so surprising, I hesitate to tell people (such as family members) for fear that they won't understand. It's time, however, I come out of the political closet. I used to think I was rather fact, I was rather liberal. In recent days, weeks, months, and years, however, that has changed. I am becoming something I used to fear & dread becoming...a conservative-leaning person.

There was a time, and it really doesn't seem all that long ago, that I would have listened to shows like Sean Hannity's and thought he was a nut job. Thing is? I don't now. I actually agree with him. I'm still not partial to Rush Limbaugh (because I think he stoops to too much name calling), but Sean has a level head which I truly appreciate.

I joined this community after reading the blog of the author Joel Rosenberg. Again, as with Sean Hannity, there was a time I would have ruled out reading books of the kind Mr. Rosenberg writes simply because his world view didn't match mine.

I have, however, gone through a dramatic shifting of my point of view. I can only credit the Lord God almighty, and His son, Jesus Christ because if it had been left up to my will, I would have never changed. Do I consider myself part of the "far right"? Probably not, but definitely more right than I used to see myself. I mean, hey, we're talking the guy who once received e-mail from but gave up when the ideals espoused seemed to be too far afield of what I personally believed. So, if there are any other "closet conservatives" out there, let me know. I think I may need to out myself and my GOP tendencies once and for all. Whew! Did I just say "GOP"? :)
I don't believe it! Did you hear Mike Wallace on Sean Hannity's show? The president of Iran pulled a snow job on Mike Wallace, and Mr. Wallace apparently bought it! I was (basically) as shocked as poor Sean was. I just couldn't believe my ears. I think Mr. Wallace knew he was in the hot seat, too, because he could barely get out answers to questions when given the room by Sean to do so.

By Mr. Wallace's own admission, the president of Iran is "savvy", so what makes Mike think that he (the Iranian president) isn't savvy enough to sucker him? I'm sure a man in the position of the Iranian presidency has the equivalent of PR people who help him spin things...especially to the American media.

All I could do was shake my head.

Speaking of head shaking, depending on what I discern after praying about it, I may post an entry in the near future that will have some people who read this shaking their own heads, but we'll see.