Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Okay, I am really really steamed! I know it's been a while since I posted, and I apologize for coming back in full rant, but this is unbelievable!

Why are we even allowing Ahmadinejad on to our soil?? Isn't enough that
we let
Ex-Iranian president Mohammad Khatami speak in Illinois? What are we thinking?

We never invited Hitler or Moussolini to speak at the UN, so why the former and present Iranian presidents? Have we as a nation truly lost our collective mind?

Farmers don't encourage visits by foxes into the hen house...the crips don't invite the bloods to their "hood" to sit and talk...bankers don't take known armed robbers to lunch. Isn't that exactly what the UN/US is doing with Ahmadinejad and Khatami?

I suppose it will take our country being run roughshod by our enemies before we wake up and go "Oh, yeah, these guys? In our country? Ah, er, uh, not a good idea!"

Come on! Don't let it take another 9/11 before you wake up and realize that having the enemy in your back yard is not the better part of wisdom! Wake up and smell the coffee! These people don't want debate...these people don't want negotiations...these people want our annihilation, and the complete destruction of Israel. Can we please keep the Khatamis and Ahmadinejads of the world off of our shores? Please?