Thursday, January 03, 2008

Huckabee and Iowa.

Mike Huckabee wins Iowa!  I'm no expert, but I think I have an idea why.
Romni went with the negative ads.  Huckabee started to, but publicly...very publicly changed his mind.
Pundits thought this was a bad move, disclosing the unused ad to the press.  Wrong!  It's a little something the press demands...full disclousre.  Only problem is, when they get it, they decide they didn't get it on their terms so Huckabee must be up to something sinister.
Again, dead wrong.  Huckabee is just being honest, and doing so to the point that the media is befuddled.  This befuddlement comes from the fact that Huckabee is not doing politics as usual.  He is showing honest to God integrity.  I think this integrity paid off in Iowa tonight.  The American public has seen that Mike Huckabee is not politics as usual and that speaks volumes to them.  They see Romni go negative and doing all the usual political posturing and compare it to Huckabee and Governor Mike naturally becomes their champion.  This is a good thing.  The last thing this country needs is a "politics as usual" president.  Huckabee is a refreshing change, and Iowa showed us that tonight.