Monday, April 23, 2007

Where's ol' blue eyes when you need him?

In my book, to my way of thinking, I think the Democrats/liberals have a new theme song..."My way" by Frank Sinatra.  Why?  Because I just got a news alert from Fox News that says the house and senate vow to defy Bush's veto and agreed on a bill that would include a time table for withdrawal!
So, now, the Dems are resorting to acting like spoiled children?  "If you tell us 'no!', we'll do it anyway!"
Well, let me tell you, better what Bush is doing than their lack of any plan for finishing the job in Iraq.  I wish he could veto the left wing, liberal democrats (and their weak-kneed republican counterparts) right out of the house and senate!  This is insulting to our troops, it's insulting to our country, and that they can claim to be patriotic and do so with a straight face makes me want to gag.  Hey, here's an idea, if they want the troops withdrawn s badly, and if Nancy Palosi is so power-hungry, let's send *CONGRESS* over to fight the war in Iraq and we'll make Palosi a general!  Let's see how she likes getting sand in her hair and clothes and other places that would traumatize her vanity!
I'm sorry, but this power trip by the left and this ballsy, in-your-face defiance of the president really ticks me off!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled reality already in progress.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Scarred for life?

Okay, I just heard that the women team members from Rutgers described themselves as "scarred for life."
How?  Why?  I know words hurt...I'll be the first to say it because I've been hurt by them...but scarred for life?  Are you telling me that when one of these ladies is in her 60's, she's still going to be saying to herself, "Curse that Don Imus, I can still feel the sting of his words!"
I don't buy that.  I've had some hateful/hurtful things said about me because of being blind/legally blind.  Was I scarred for life?  No!!  In fact, I look back and see things for what they are.  The persons who said those things to me were either immature or ignorant.  If I'm still hurt by them, it is my choice.
That said, if those women are "scarred for life" that's there choice, and not Imus' fault.  They choose to be hurt or scarred and Imus cannot control that. 
If we let others dictate our feelings or emotions that gives them the power.  If these women want to stay empowered after their NCAA success, they could try not letting Imus have the impact on them that they claim he did.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Imus in the hot seat.

Okay, first of all, I am not a racist person.  I don't hate any minority, and in a very real sense (being blind) I am part of a minority.
That said, I want it understood that what I am about to say may offend some people, and maybe even surprise them, but can we shut up about Don Imus and the rather stupid remarks he made?!  He apologized, got suspended, can we please not run this into the ground, especially since, in their ever-hypocritical fashion, the media that is so viciously lambasting Imus barely blinks when Rosie O'BigMouth spouts her anti-America rhetoric. 
I'll be honest, there are far worse things Imus could have (and has) said.  At the same time, though, the women have the right to be offended, and I understand their reasons for being thusly offended.  I just don't want Imus raked over the coals for this remark when he's said far worse, and the media knows it.  Imus is an equal opportunity offender, and he admits it.  Everyone is fair game.  Heck, my blindness would probably get me poked fun at by the I-man, not to mention my blindingly pale skin. LOL!
If we're going to act as if Imus should be run out of town on a rail, could we have (at least) the courtesy to be consistent enough to want the same thing for Rosie?  That's all I'm asking.