Saturday, December 08, 2007

Just when I thought I couldn't take any more!

Once again, Westboro Baptist doesn't know when to stop!  Again, they are crossing the line from compassionate to hateful, from loving to bigoted, and from Christian to overtly evil!

As if showing up at the funerals of soldiers who made the choice to sacrifice themselves in war, the Fred Phelps cult (I don't call it a real church) is now going to show up at the funerals and memorial service of the victims of the Westroads Mall shooting. I am sick of Westboro and what they stand for. Their teachings and "doctrine" is so unbiblical. They certainly don't believe in a God of love, just one of hatred, vengeance, and wrath.  Not only is that not the God I believe in, it is not the God of the Bible.

            I am particularly furious as I am a friend, albeit recent and not terribly well-acquainted as of yet, but a friend nonetheless with the son of one of the victims. It enrages me that my friend Steve will have to deal with these people spewing hate in the name of God while he tries to lay his father to rest as peacefully as possible. Steve doesn't deserve this, and his deceased father certainly doesn't deserve it.

I know for me I already had enough rage and heartache built up as a result of first, the shootings, then finding out that I knew someone related to one of the victims and I care about this person as a good friend and brother. Now my emotions are on high boil because the WBC crowd simply cannot stay away and leave well enough alone.

I wish they'd take their vicious gospel and confine it to the walls of their cult headquarters (church building) and leave grieving, hurting people alone and not throw acid in their wounds. I'm sure if the WBC crowd reads this they'll come after me as some sort of idol-worshipping, fornicating, homosexual-loving heathen who needs to die. But, I'll stand up for the real truth of the Gospel and say "Bring it on!" if they do because now it's personal to me. Goodness knows I don't want to stoop to their level, but have they ever considered that God might smite them for the hatred they spew? Have they ever considered that when they die, they might hear the words of Christ, ringing in their ears, "I tell you I do not know you, where you are from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity." (Luke 13:27 NKJV)

The saddest part is this is not how I wanted to first talk about my new friend Steve and the impact of this shooting on me. Unfortunately, before I could find words to describe my true feelings, the problem of the WBC arose. Yes, they may be people but they are a problem, and a huge one. As long as there are grieving people in the world, and as long as Fred Phelps and the WBC cult wishes to go on harassing these pain-stricken individuals, the WBC will be nothing more than a problem.  If I sound harsh, good.  At least I'm not half as harsh as Fred and his cult. This is the last straw for me!  I needed to vent, and have done so! Now, I will try to resume grieving for a man I have never met, and strive to do so in as much peace as possible.




Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why Chuck Endorsed Mike - Episode One 1

I really like what Mike has to say here, and I love Chuck's honesty about endorsing him.

Something I simply don't understand.

Conservatives talk a lot, and rightly so, about media bias...especially from the "liberal" media.  For a long time, I didn't understand or even perceive this bias.  Now I do.
What troubles me now is I am seeing a bias I don't quite understand, and it is coming from conservative publications.  It is a seeming bias against Mike Huckabee.  I say this because he seems to get passed over when the pundits and talking heads on a channel like Fox News are talking about the GOP race.  It's as if Rudy, Romni and Thompson are the only ones who exist.  Huckabee only started getting more mention when his poll numbers went up and he was endorsed by Chuck Norris.  Yet, this bias seems to hang in there.  A prime example comes from the Washington Times in an article by Stephen Dinan and Ralph Z. Hallow that is titled "Giuliani foes in GOP panicky."  The article is dated December 1, 2007.  Before I quote the article, let me say that this is what I am reading into it, and I freely admit I could be wrong.  Mr. Huckabee is my chosen candidate, and so I may be seeing things in the story that aren't there.  I may be inferring something that is not accurate or even remotely the intent of the authors/editors at the Times.  The line that stuck out for me is this: "Mr. Huckabee is a former Arkansas governor and ordained Southern Baptist minister."
This gets mentioned almost as an aside...almost.  What it implies to me is because Mr. Huckabee is an ordained Southern Baptist minister he might be, somehow, too extreme for the GOP.

Personally, I am seeing ways in which the GOP needs to get back to their core values.  It is my assessment at this point that Huckabee is the one to help the GOP do that.
Giuliana is too much of a compromise when it comes to our core values.  Romni, if I've gathered correctly has also done too much flipping and flopping on core values and issues, so he is not only a compromise, but his being a Mormon could hurt him more than help.
If the GOP really wants to go back to Reagan conservatism, then they need only look to Mike Huckabee.  I say this because his whole demeanor and his stands on the issues of the day all seem to evoke President Reagan.
    To pass Huckabee over because he is a minister, or God forbid had the audacity to be governor of Arkansas, the Clinton state, is plain stupidity.  The fact Huckabee is rising in the polls tells me that people are finding the one person that matches their values and is consistent and shows it.  More and more people are waking up to who Mike Huckabee is and to me that is a good thing.  So, please, don't dismiss him, you pundits and talking heads, but instead get to know him, and you might find yourself stepping away from the Giuliani, Romni and Thompson trio towards the candidate you've been seeking all along: Mike Huckabee.