Thursday, August 10, 2006

Before I go any further, I need to admit something up front. I am changing in a way that surprises me, and some people around me. In fact, it is so sudden, and so surprising, I hesitate to tell people (such as family members) for fear that they won't understand. It's time, however, I come out of the political closet. I used to think I was rather fact, I was rather liberal. In recent days, weeks, months, and years, however, that has changed. I am becoming something I used to fear & dread becoming...a conservative-leaning person.

There was a time, and it really doesn't seem all that long ago, that I would have listened to shows like Sean Hannity's and thought he was a nut job. Thing is? I don't now. I actually agree with him. I'm still not partial to Rush Limbaugh (because I think he stoops to too much name calling), but Sean has a level head which I truly appreciate.

I joined this community after reading the blog of the author Joel Rosenberg. Again, as with Sean Hannity, there was a time I would have ruled out reading books of the kind Mr. Rosenberg writes simply because his world view didn't match mine.

I have, however, gone through a dramatic shifting of my point of view. I can only credit the Lord God almighty, and His son, Jesus Christ because if it had been left up to my will, I would have never changed. Do I consider myself part of the "far right"? Probably not, but definitely more right than I used to see myself. I mean, hey, we're talking the guy who once received e-mail from but gave up when the ideals espoused seemed to be too far afield of what I personally believed. So, if there are any other "closet conservatives" out there, let me know. I think I may need to out myself and my GOP tendencies once and for all. Whew! Did I just say "GOP"? :)
I don't believe it! Did you hear Mike Wallace on Sean Hannity's show? The president of Iran pulled a snow job on Mike Wallace, and Mr. Wallace apparently bought it! I was (basically) as shocked as poor Sean was. I just couldn't believe my ears. I think Mr. Wallace knew he was in the hot seat, too, because he could barely get out answers to questions when given the room by Sean to do so.

By Mr. Wallace's own admission, the president of Iran is "savvy", so what makes Mike think that he (the Iranian president) isn't savvy enough to sucker him? I'm sure a man in the position of the Iranian presidency has the equivalent of PR people who help him spin things...especially to the American media.

All I could do was shake my head.

Speaking of head shaking, depending on what I discern after praying about it, I may post an entry in the near future that will have some people who read this shaking their own heads, but we'll see.