Saturday, August 26, 2006

We interrupt my political rants... bring you some news about me, personally. LOL!

Part of the purpose of this blog is keeping my typing and writing skills up to snuff. In case I haven't said it, or if you just now started reading this blog, I've had aspirations, off and on throughout my life, to be a writer, and now (as mentioned in previous entries) I am pursuing something exciting...a bachelors degree to become a journalist. Yeah, some of you think that I'm crazy for doing this at my age, but why not now? That's my thought.

So, starting in the spring, Lord willing, I'll be starting at UNL and winding up at their college of journalism. As time goes on I'll update y'all, and believe me, when I'm actually in the thick of it, I'll most likely have quite a bit to say.

If you want to check out the place I'll be attending school (specifically my journalism courses) here's a link.

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