Saturday, August 26, 2006

Let me clarify something for you liberal readers out there.

When I talk about positively supporting the president, I am not saying I support every single thing he does to the letter.

That said, however, I do believe that the war on terror is one thing that we Americans (liberal or conservative, democrat or republican) ought to get firmly behind him on. Why?

Because we need to show the radical, islamic fascists that we, as a country are united against them, and that we won't back down.

I won't rehash my comments about how we cannot negotiate with these terrorists. I brought this up because of a comment I received that implied I am blindly following Bush without seeing the wrong or bad side of him.

I get the impression that a lot of liberals (notice I didn't say "all liberals") try to paint us conservatives with broad strokes and want to think we're blind little sheep, just following our leaders into some kind of oblivion.

This is ironic coming from the same faction that back stabs anyone who doesn't buy off on every jot and tittle of their rhetoric...need I say Joe Lieberman? He supports Bush on the war on terror and the liberals all of a sudden treat him like he has the plague. Just some food for thought. Granted, I get the impression that the poster of the comment was from Europe, and may not understand the Joe Lieberman comment, but I think if he's reading enough American papers, he will.

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