Saturday, March 21, 2009

The change *IS* doing me good!

Okay, so I admit, I struggled with it!  Now I wonder why!  Some of you will see this note over and over again, as I plan to put it on my blog, and on my LJ page, and even My Space.  It's just I am making so much progress I want to shout it to the world I know!
Almost a month ago, my blood glucose readings were at about 270 and my weight about 252 or so.  I have started regular exercise, and am transforming the way I eat so it fits in with what I, being type 2 diabetic, ought to be doing!  Today was absolutely the *BEST* blood sugar reading I have had since my diagnosis two or more years ago; down to 140.  My last weight check, a month ago, had me down to 246, but I am sure that has to have changed since I have for the past week walked about 3 miles each day.  I am eating more fruits and veggies and less of the bad stuff...still working on that's a struggle because, as we all know the bad stuff is so yummy! LOL!  But, anyway, I just wanted to update everyone, and show that I am making progress!  I will keep y'all up to date on that progress, too!  Sorry for, technically, cross-posting to all my different blogs, but I just finished one of my walks, and it's the only way I feel like doing things! LOL!
More news in the next day or so.  I go to the doc on Tuesday and will have an update about my weight!