Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Graduating from the electoral college.

Before I raise the question on my mind, let me say that I have no real opinion, especially since it is something I have only just begun to ponder.
As anyone who knows American history knows, the electoral college was put in place by the founding fathers for checks and balances in elections by the people.
Here we are in the 21st Century and in the midst of a presidential election that is, so far, showing no clear cut front-runners for either party.  It would seem, for a number of various reasons, that the system put in place by our founding fathers is becoming less effective, reliable and also less trusted.
Have we, in this day and age, grown too big as a country for the electoral college to serve our needs?
In addition, are there too many people with personal agendas running for office who make the system inherently flawed?  That is to say, are candidates with truly political motives and huge "political machines" making it more difficult for the electoral college to work?
That said, however, what other system could we use?  I firmly believe in what the authors of the constitution set out to do.  Is there really a better alternative?  If so, what is it and how on earth would we implement it?
Okay, those are my rhetorical questions for the night.