Thursday, September 07, 2006

What are the clinton people/liberals afraid of?

When you were a kid, did you ever do something wrong, you knew you'd be in trouble, and you did whatever you could/whatever it took to get rid of any evidence (no matter how weak and tenuous) against you?

Well, it would seem that President Clinton, some of his administration, and his liberal cronies are trying (yet again) to cover something up. What? Of all things...a TV miniseries.,0,6155461.story?coll=cl-tv-features

Why? Who knows? What is Clinton, Berger, et al so afraid of? Is Clinton's legacy as president so shaky, vulnerable, and at risk with this film that they have to block it? Or is it that he screwed up that badly in not going after Osama and he knows it, is ashamed of it, and doesn't want to be humiliated on the world stage?

The other big question is this: is ABC going to actually bow to their pressure and change the film so the truth is inaccurately portrayed to an even lesser degree?

Rush Limbaugh validly points out that President Bush (the current) doesn't raise this kind of stink with negative portrayals of him in the media. He doesn't deem it worth his time.

Clinton, by contrast, is so worried about his image (with or without the cigar and the intern in the cocktail dress) that he is moving to block this miniseries....a *TV SHOW* from airing! I think it speaks volumes about the stark differences between the two men in terms of the level of integrity.

If Clinton really thought he was a good president, and wouldn't be in trouble (somehow) over what this film depicts, he wouldn't be trying to bury it. What he is doing has the same effect as what I tried to do as a kid to hide the fact that I didn't clean my room...I just shoved everything either under the bed or into my closet. Maybe Rush is right, maybe Sandy Berger ought to go steal it for Clinton, and maybe Clinton could take a cue from me and find a bed to hide it under, or a closet to hide it in.