Good grief! I don't know whether to roar with rage or cry and cry! A federal judge tells the NSA to stop their anti-terrorist wiretap activities?
What other strategic tactics will the ACLU try to deprive our government of? What other tools in the war on terrorism will the US be deprived of? How long will it be before something so cataclismic that it makes 9/11 look small by comparison happens because of all this left-wing, liberal, cut and run nonsense.
If I sound angry...I am. If I sound upset...I am. The ACLU ought to be sued for misrepresentation...they strip away more liberties than they protect. It sickens me.
I just can't comprehend what it is that people don't understand about the war on terror and why they feel the need to undermine it at every turn. It just steams me up!
Let me put it this way, if we could have the technology we have today, and could use it to stop, for example, Hitler from exterminating millions of Jewws, would you really oppose this? I wouldn't.
Well, we have the technology, and what's scary is that we have an enemy that on so many levels is *WORSE* than Hitler, and yet we want to appease this enemy. We want to stop the Bush administration from knowing what our enemies are up to...who they are talking to, what they are saying and (thanks to the N.Y. Times) where there money is coming from and going to. It's simply unbelievable. I know, I've said all of this before, but I am *MAD* as hell that there are people who would rather risk having our enemies attempt to wipe us off the map as opposed to keeping said enemies in check. Well, we'll see how those people opposed to Bush, his administration, and the work they've tried to do feel when they lose family, friends and other loved ones in an attack that is 9/11 magnified 10 (or possibly 100) times. Maybe then it won't be so important to be able to carry hair gel on an airplane...maybe it will finally be acceptable to monitor communications traffic from outside the US and watch for potential terrorist activity...maybe the government will be allowed to keep its methods of tracking terrorists confidential. It's sad it may well take such an attack to wake people up, but it looks like that is the likely wake up call a lot of people will need.