Thursday, August 10, 2006

Before I go any further, I need to admit something up front. I am changing in a way that surprises me, and some people around me. In fact, it is so sudden, and so surprising, I hesitate to tell people (such as family members) for fear that they won't understand. It's time, however, I come out of the political closet. I used to think I was rather fact, I was rather liberal. In recent days, weeks, months, and years, however, that has changed. I am becoming something I used to fear & dread becoming...a conservative-leaning person.

There was a time, and it really doesn't seem all that long ago, that I would have listened to shows like Sean Hannity's and thought he was a nut job. Thing is? I don't now. I actually agree with him. I'm still not partial to Rush Limbaugh (because I think he stoops to too much name calling), but Sean has a level head which I truly appreciate.

I joined this community after reading the blog of the author Joel Rosenberg. Again, as with Sean Hannity, there was a time I would have ruled out reading books of the kind Mr. Rosenberg writes simply because his world view didn't match mine.

I have, however, gone through a dramatic shifting of my point of view. I can only credit the Lord God almighty, and His son, Jesus Christ because if it had been left up to my will, I would have never changed. Do I consider myself part of the "far right"? Probably not, but definitely more right than I used to see myself. I mean, hey, we're talking the guy who once received e-mail from but gave up when the ideals espoused seemed to be too far afield of what I personally believed. So, if there are any other "closet conservatives" out there, let me know. I think I may need to out myself and my GOP tendencies once and for all. Whew! Did I just say "GOP"? :)

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