Wednesday, August 02, 2023

"Why I need to stop being such an Aries" or "Consistency is key"

On some levels, I have always loved being an Aries. Aries are supposed to be bold, straight forward individuals, and I like that. However, there is one Aries trait I wish I could ditch!

One infamous thing Aries are known for is not quite completing things, moving on to something new before finishing the current thing, mostly because the current thing, to them, became boring.

Sadly, this trait is strong in me and this has hampered my bass playing by slowing my growth and progress. I realized that this week and decided I need to stop being such an Aries. At least when it comes to procrastenating, letting boredom overwhelm me, etc.

I've allowed myself to be extremely incosistent when it comes to the bass, then I complain that I should have been gig ready ages ago. I'm not writing this to beat myself up, or tear myself down. This is just my way of telling myself that the buck stops here and I need to have my inner boss set me straight on what needs doing and how. He's a good boss, gentle yet firm, but he gets a little impatient, and rightly so. If I don't remain consistent, I don't improve, not at the pace I want to, anyway. I've started working more on my fret technique, and in just a few days I already see slight improvement. I can't slack any more. That's just the facts. As my sweet Donna likes to say, "Let's keep it a bean."

Anyway, this new consistency, I hope, will include regular updates on my musical journey here! Thank you for reading this and putting up with my prolonged absences. The goal is to be sure they aren't quite so prolonged!

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