Read the article at this link and tell me if it angers you as much as it does me:
To the superintendant I say "Hey, let's worry more about actual explicit sexual behavior and leave innocent hugs alone."
This morning on Fox and Friends, Mr. McGowen said that hugging in the halls could create "dangerous situations." Situations like what?
delayed exits during fire drills? Perhaps Mr. McGowen is Baptist and fears that hugging will lead to dancing? I'm sorry, I don't mean to appear to be mocking Mr. McGowen, but let's be honest, he kind of brought it on himself. Innocent hugs will not cause overcrowding and "dangerous situations." The only dangerous situations hugging can create are poorly written and implemented policies like the one in Mascoutah, Illinois where kids are punished for showing innocent signs of caring for their friends. What's next, banning affectionate pats on the shoulder because it might cause damage to the rotator cuff? Hmm, or maybe winking at classmates because it can cause eye damage? I realize my joking hypotheticals use medical problems to make the point, and it wasn't for medical reasons that hugs aren't allowed in Mascoutah, but look at the utter ridiculousness of my examples. We all know winking can't cause eye damage...right? So, how can hugging be so bad as to be a bannable offense>? It is illogical, stupid, and it makes me really angry because it is an infringement on personal rights that has about as much merit as trying to ban the wind from blowing. So, all you kids in Mascoutah, I dare you, hug someone today. Make it so the entire school has to get detention. Maybe then the school board will see the silliness of punishing hugging. I know, I'm encouraging rebellion, but it isn't sexual rebellion...just a very huggable rebellion.
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