Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ever hear of letting go?

Democrats and their seeming inability to let go of the past puzzles me.  No, I don't refer here to another in the endless stream of attacks on our current president.  I am talking about something further back in our history (the world's history) that the dems feel is desperately worth condemning...decades after it happened.
Naturally, I am humane and therefore opposed to genocide.  That said, however, I don't understand the desperate need in congress to create a resolution condeming Turkey, and risking losing an ally in the war in Iraq, because of mass murder committed between 1915 and 1923.  If the genocide were happening right now, I could see condemning it.  I cannot fathom condemning something so far in the past that the current Turkish government had nothing to do with. 
Personally, I am inclined to think this is just another way for congress to avoid doing true work.  So much of what the democratically -controlled congress seems to be doing at present rings of mostly symbolic work.  Nothing tangible and concrete.
Tell me, Speaker Pelosi, what will this resolution accomplish?  Will it do anything beyond symbolic closure?  Somehow, I doubt it.  The negative consequence is already beginning to show...angering the Turkish government.  Not a wise move since we are receiving significant help from them over in Iraq at the moment.  An individual  more paranoidand conspiracy-minded than I am would be prone to suggest that this was a conspiracy on the part of the left to make things look worse in Iraq.  Sadly, worse in Iraq is what things will become if this resolution passes.
So, dear dems and left-leaners, please, let the past stay in the past.  Forget condemning old misdeeds.  It's just wasting the valuable time and resources of a lot of people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say mrs. stretchface (in waziristan everyone to using this name for mrs. pelosi- in pastu: “nipo-hard” meaning face stretch like snake)just be so the liar. also the sick brain and cruel.

mrs. stretchface never to really opposing war crime. it just to lie to get the vote money. in true stretchface full time israeli agent agent, entire career just to service him master in tel aviv. aipac, jdl, adl, all to commanding each action by mrs. stretch face.