Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Moving to two greener pastures in life.

I know, I know! It's been *AGES* since I posted here. But, it's overdue. More changes in my life to report. First, and I know this will unsettle my Christian, conservative friends, but please, no sermons, lectures or other warnings. I ask that, calmly and politely in advance. I have taken up using marijuana...again. It is, honestly, far better for me (and in me) than alcohol ever was. It helps with pain, which I'ee had my relative share of lately). Plus, unlike alcohol, I'm not a total ass under the influence. I still have my Irish Aries temper from time to time, but overall, I am happier, less anxious (more about that in a sec.) and able to think clearer than without it. I discovered that, without anything in my system, I am a more anxious person than I realized. It took a calming, mind-clearing high to make me realize this benefit of cannabis. I already have a "go-to" dispensary, the green cross: So, what is, you ask, the other green? While it is not, specifically, about recycling, etc, it is environmentally friendly. I recently switched from being a Libertarian to the more reasonable (and sane) green party: and find it suits me well. The two-party system, obviously, is broken, run, as it is by corporate interests. It's not "we the people" any more, but more like "we the corporation" as far as the voice that speaks loudest in our country. Well, I don't want McGovernment any more. I want candidates that aren't bought and paid for by profiteering special interest groups. I looked at other parties (peace and freedom for example) and found they either leaned too far right or too far left. As for the Libertarians? Crazy as loons!! Don't believe me, go to their site, Among the crazy things is wanting to abolish taxes and the IRS. As much as I dislike the IRS, who thinks our money is theirs, abolishing them is as good an idea as taking booze, pot, qualudes, cocain and heroin all at once...not terribly wise. Do they need reforming, if not all out gutting and starting over? Yes, this is hella true! That said, they have, more or less, worked well for us so why fix what's working? Anyway, there will be more posts as I share with you what I learn as part of this process and where I stand on candidates in future posts. So, if you're seeking an alternative to corporate-owned government, check out the Green Party. They seem level-headed, reasonable and possess a great deal of common sense. Thanks for reading. Hope I didn't disappoint or disillusion anyone. I know cannabis use can be a hot button topic for some people. There is still a huge stigma. All I know is I've tried it, it works for me and keps me as sane as it is possible for this 21st century hippie cowboy to be. My next post will get into, among other things, my current bass playing and my plans for my musical future. See you next time, and remember that love, alone, is worth the fight! d

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

All we need is love, and we can work it out together...

This may turn into a novel of a rambling post, but I have things on my heart that need expressing.

For the past two days I have been talking with a friend about their struggles and difficulties, both recent and throughout the past several years. Among a number of things, these conversations caused me to reflect on a very simple, very important truth. We, the citizens of earth, *NEED EACH OTHER!* Yeah, I know, in internet etiquitte terms, I just shouted, but it's something worth shouting over and over and over again...we need each other.

Yet, in our world, it's far too easy to leave people stuck in the mire of their problems, emotional, physical, spiritual, practical or financial. Any outside observer of our world would get the idea that it's easier to hate than to love, to abandon rather than care for. We get so wrapped up in ourselves, our dramas, our plights, challenges and personal hurdles that after a while, the other person or persons cease to matter.

We got it wrong, somehow. "Looking out for number one..." should never been a catch phrase in our world, and if so, it ought to mean looking out for our neighbor, our fellow man...not just ourselves.

As part of this whole thought process, it just so happened I heard a remake of the Beatles song "All You Need Is Love" (by Grace Potter), while standing in a line at a local Walgreens. Maybe, for some people, it's trite and cliche, but it is very definitely true. Pair it with the song "We Can Work It Out", and there's a double barrel shot of the idea of loving one another, and working out any problems or differences, no matter how small. To mix song images, incorporating a thought from David Crosby, life is short, and yes, these tracks in the dust won't last. We are moving through here very fast, and we need to make this ride as comfortable and enjoyable for those around us as we can. It's not about pleasing them or fulfilling their every whim. It's about seeing to their basic needs. It's about not leaving them in a situation they cannot otherwise solve on their own. In some way, shape or form, we all need help on some level or another...whether we care to admit it or not.

Love is the substance the universe is made of. If you're not partaking of that substance and sharing it with others, you do the universe a disservice. If you walk awaay from those in need because "I have my own needs to worry about..." you do the universe, and its inhabitants an injustice. Your contribution, if you will, doesn't have to be huge or herculean, but just enough to lift that person a little higher than they were when they started out. So, brak down the walls, the barriers and reach out. You never know who will accept that helping hand and smile in eternal gratitude when remembering what you've done for them.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Fight the MCP....Major Cable Providers!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fan of the Disney movie "Tron" and it's sequel, "Tron Legacy." If you don't know me well, this will gradually become apparent as time goes on.

Anyway, for those who don't know, the original Tron was about a computer programmer and his battle against the Master Control Program (or MCP). Well, here in the real world of the 21st century, we're battling another MCP...Major Cable Providers.

The FCC recently repealed Net Neutrality, effectively handing control of the internet to major cable companies like Comcast and AT&T. This means they will have the final say over what content can be put out on the internet. I, personally, don't like seeing my freedoms stripped away.

That's why, on February 27th, I am joining a massive online protest to push congress to block the FCC repeal of the Net Neutrality act. Join me, please! After all, there are really no problems, only solutions! Go to:

Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Sea Change for me

Wow! I actually forgot about this blog! Now, here it is, several years later, and I've undergone some fundamental changes. Where to start!

In the years since I've posted I have experienced grief on numerous levels...the worst of which was the love of my life, the one who, originally, introduced me to the Seventh-Day Adventist church. That was unlike anything I have ever experienced. The pain was the worst I had ever felt, emotionally speaking.

I've added layers to my faith. I have begun studying the Hindu sacred text, The Bhagavad Gita, and found truths in it that I didn't when I tried reading it about 15 years ago. I am also using guided meditation and yoga to help me stay balanced as a person. This is for my physical, emotional and spiritual health. I'm managing my type 2 diabetes, and the heart disease I discovered I have back in 2013.

The other new part of my spiritual/hollistic journey is preparing to learn Reiki. Reiki = guided lifeforce energy and is used for healing and balancing the bodys energies. 

The final new chapter in my life that I want to tell you about here is that, since August of 2016, I have been learning to play bass guitar. I'm starting to enter the intermediate stage. I could go on and on about that, but I want to keep this a brief overview, not turn it into a novel.

Oh, and let's not forget...I relocated to San Francisco to be with my current girlfriend, Donna, and have been in this wonderful city since May of 2014.

So, yeah, that, in a nutshell, is my new life, and the sea change I have gone through. Buckle up, and I'll take you on the rest of the journey!