Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here we go again!

So, come to find out that Fred Phelps has opened his mean and ugly mouth.  In an online rant he says that "God hates Nebraska." and all because of those wrestlers who were caught in the online gay porn site.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Mr. Phelps, you need to stop preaching!  You have it all wrong, sir!  God doesn't hate Nebraska.  God hates men like you who preach that He is hateful, vindictive, and vengeful.  You're not preaching the real gospel.  You leave out God's grace and mercy for every person on this planet!  You are bastardizing the Gospel because of your intolerance and hatred of homosexuals.  It isn't god that hates them...it's you, Mr. Phelps.  Stop misrepresenting God, go read your bible...really read it...and come back when you can teach God's grace and mercy as much as you can His hatred of sin.  Until then, go work at a hardware store or something and get out of the preaching/protest business. 
I think, Mr. Phelps, if you read the four Gospels, and read how Jesus reacted to the Pharisees, you might see yourself in those Pharisees.  You ought to, anyway, but probably never will.
I don't claim to be a perfect person, and I have my own prejudices and biases.  Yet, in my humanity, I find I can't even think about you, Mr. Phelps without becoming thoroughly angry.  Keep misrepresenting God and He will strike you, Fred, I just know it.  I can only pray that you will repent of your bitter, angry and vindictive portrayal of God and come to see that God is just, but He is also gracious and merciful.
As angry as you make me, Mr. Phelps, I also believe that if you repent and are truly sorry for the vitriol you put out there, God will be merciful to you as well.  Give up your doctrine of hatred and anger and God will shed His grace on you.